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Life & Wellness Coaching for Young Athletes
How Does Mental Health Affect
Common reasons why youth are involved in athletics:
Passionate about the sport
Release stress
Achieve goals
Transform towards future
Improve the Self
Connect with others
Athletics provides youth with much more than physical activity. Young athletes rely on their sport as an outlet from stress and often their teammates become one of their biggest support systems. Well, what happens when that sport is no longer there due to a global crisis? What happens when an injury prevents an individual from playing? Or when anxiety creates a major barrier for improving? What if managing time gets difficult and grades begin to slip or burn out takes control?
Sports are what athletes can rely on for a number of factors shown to foster a healthy development. When that's gone, it can have a negative impact on ones:
Identity and sense of self
Mood and motivation
Social or peer relations
Academic performance
Management of physical/somatic stress symptoms
Ability to cope with hardship
Sleep or day-to-day structure
Behavioral control
Emotional well-being
When balancing life with athletics get's difficult or when the pressure of the sport becomes intense, athletes commonly experience:
Performance Anxiety
Mental blocks
Burn out or chronic fatigue
Low self-esteem/body image difficulties
Depressed mood or negative self talk
Self destructive behavior/self harm
Every individual is unique** Whether you are an athlete
Every individual is unique** Whether you are an athlete